by BUG

Augsburg-based experimental label attenuation circuit and brainhall ART PRODUCTION from Zurich present a new co-release wrapped in a limited-edition art multiple.

BUG have been active in the field of instant composing since 2001, using the tension between Christian Bucher's drumming and the drone, hum, and noise of Andreas Glauser's no-input mixing decks and analogue synthesizers to create their trademark sound tableaux.

For “Mesosa Nebulosa” BUG have sought inspiration from bugs crawling deep down in the soil and high up in the leaves of trees. Each track is named after a bug species. The cover by Silvan Kälin is a fitting counterpart to BUG's musical abstraction of the lifeworld of bugs.

File under: free improvisation, noise


With the project BUG we pursue the interface between experimental Music, Instant Composing, Audio Art and Fieldrecordings.

Christian Bucher and Andreas Glauser persue both in concert and on their CDs (brainhall records / Attenuation Circuit ) a kind of „Instant Noising“: the noises of Glauser’s organs and mixer desks highten themselves in Bucher’s percussionist structures, crackle, rush and smash at once. The experiment is the moment. Many years of astonishing and intense concerts have culminated in an exceptional album: “Sediment” released in 2015 in the great german label Attenuation Circuit. And more CDs and netreleases on the label and others.

BUG have worked together since 2001. They regularly perform in concerts and festivals on a national and an international level (e.g. Poland, Germany, The Netherlands, France, Italy and China).

BUG played concerts in the last years at, "das kleine field recordings festival" / Berlin, Kunstverein GRAZ / Regensburg, Artspace Rondeel / Maastricht NL, salon tokidoki n°2 - La Générale en Manifacture / Paris, Comète 347 / Paris, Walcheturm / Zürich, Kopfhörerkonzert lokat-int / Biel, Audio Art Festival / Krakau, Die Remise / Berlin, echokammer 6 / Augsburg, Tivoli 16 / Genéve, L'Embobineuse / Marseille, Leoncavallo / Milano, STEIM /Amsterdam (Artist in Residence), Bad Bonn / / Düdingen and many others...

Christian Bucher (drums) and Andreas Glauser (electronics) persue both in concert and on their CDs (brainhall records) a kind of „Instant Noising“: the noises of Glauser’s old organs and mixer desks highten themselves in Bucher’s percussionist structures, crackle, rush and smash at once. The experiment is the moment. BUG For those who enjoy experimental electronic music!

The frequencies oscillate, the woofers drone and the sine curves sing.


factory-produced CDr in handmade

Released in 2022

limited to 80 copies

price: 10.00 EUR (excl. postage)

attenuation circuit ° ACL 1010 ° 2022

brainhall 15

Christian Bucher: Schlagzeug / Percussion
Andreas Glauser: Manipulated Generators / MOOG Synthesizer

Mastering: Andreas Glauser
Artwork: Silvan Kälin
Produktion: Christian Bucher, Silvan Kälin

Tracks 1- 13
Recorded at brainhall Studio Zürich
Recording: Andreas Glauser
Mastering: Andreas Glauser

Also available here:



…Eine ganz andere Linie verfolgt das langjährige Duo BUG, das Christian Bucher mit dem Zürcher Brainhall-Geräuscher Andreas Glauser unterhält. Glauser entlockt seinen manipulierten Generatoren und dem Moog-Synthesizer flatternde Frequenzen, Klang-Gezwitscher, subtiles Rauschen. Bucher torpediert sein Schlagzeug mit rauen Klängen. Aber die beiden können auch in längeren Passagen zunehmend die sanfteren Klangzonen auskosten und dort rare Momente finden. Das ist experimentelle Noise-Musik, die etwas wagt und sich nicht auf Hardcore oder Ambient festlegen lässt. Silvan Kälin hat ein haptisch eigenes Faltcover gestaltet, das den Unikat-Charakter dieser undergroundigen Audio-Kunst unterstreicht.

Primin Bossart



'Graubindiger Augenfleckenbock' would certainly not have been a good title for a free music release. Though the title might invoke associations of 'mist', 'fog', 'nebulous-ness', this is far from what it actually means. Instead, MN is a bug living across Europe, feeding on decaying plant matter and not especially noteworthy, apart from being on the brink of extinction in some regions. But it does look interesting.
Why Andreas Glauser and Christian Bucher - who have been working together as BUG for over two decades - chose this name is a bit, well, nebulous. BUG obviously is an acronym made of their family names - nevertheless, it can apparently also be used for building associative connections. Christian Bucher is no unknown. A Swiss drummer, he regularly plays and publishes with Rick Countryman, a former businessman who is now a full-time saxophone jazz musician in the Philippines. This could hardly be further away from what Attenuation Circuit stand for. Glauser, on the slight contrary, is an electronics/abstract/minimal musician with established links to AC. The two musicians have played together for many years, creating 'free music' (termed 'instant composing' here), BUG has now found its way onto this label.
Be aware, though, that this is not a typical Attenuation release. It very much lives from the tension between Bucher percussion - very much dominated by cymbals and the 'upper' parts of a drum set - and quite sparse, minimal synth sounds. These could actually not be synths at all but 'just' wave modulators. The effect is intriguing. Both musicians obviously respond to each other, albeit the instruments and approaches could hardly be more different. But then, what to expect after joining forces for so long ... 13 tracks - all fittingly named after insects - take the listener through a new set of soundscapes that traverses jazz, free music, and minimal noise/electronics. An astounding release.



Nein, nicht The Bug - Kevin Martin von Techno Animal, Ice... Als BUG krabbeln hier zwei Schweizer, der Drummer Christian Bucher und der Brainhall-Aktivist Andreas Glauser als Rauscher an Audio Generator & Synthies. Ihr graubindig-augenfleckbockiges Mesosa Ne­bulosa (ACL 1010 / Brainhall 15), das man erst aus einem postergroßen Faltcover schälen muss, lässt Marien-, Pracht-, Schnell-, Spargel-, Zipfel-, Blüten-, Waldmist-, Aas-, Rosen-, Öl- und Feuerkäfer krabbeln und selbst die unwahrscheinlichen Stolper- und Schiffwerfts­käfer gibt es, und würden freilich auch by any other name existieren. Ohne das als Pro­grammmusik ersticken und festnadeln zu wollen, ist, wie ich finde, ein krabbeliger, wuse­liger, huschenden, brummender Gestus derart plastisch, dass er gewollt erscheint. Bu­cher in seiner perkussiven Virtuosität macht die selbstgestellte Aufgabe, statt Schnecken zu treiben Coleoptera zu spielen, hörbar großen Spaß, wobei ihm sowohl die hexapodi­schen als auch die pterygotischen Aspekte zupasskommen. Glauser hat seinen ersten großen Auftritt als glissandierender, splattrig oszillierender Spargelkäfer und macht dabei deutlich, dass die Phantasie da ihr Thema entsprechend phantastisch ausreizt, in brui­tistischem Gefurzel ebenso wie in donnerblechernen Flügelschlägen, in von Sirren bis Tuckern polyfrequentem Gebrumm, zwitschernden Impulsen, fiebrigen, flattrigen Wi­schern über Topfdeckel, bebendem Beckenrausch, tockelig und klickernd, sägend, schar­rend, flickernd. Ob als maßstabsvergrößerte Insektenkunde oder ganz autonom als elek­troakustische Improvisation, für Attenuation Circuit ist es ein weiterer schöner Beleg, dass da nicht in Schubladen gehaust wird.

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