
by f:rar

“magara” (meaning “cave” in turkish) is the second solo album of f:rar, that consists of electronic improvisations on modular synthesizer system using field recordings from Berlin during the first lockdown in April 2020. It aims to re-interpret psychological and sociological situations created around lockdown as small stories and proposes a virtual tour in Berlin of that times, while using the analogy of the cave to establish a connection to humans ancient fear of nature. This work is supported by Musikfonds.

ACU 1031

factory-produced CDr in cardboard sleeve

Released in 2021

limited to 100 copies

price: 7.00 EUR (excl. postage)

All tracks are mixed and mastered by Melih Sar?göl

Also available here:



Magara (ACU 1031, CDr) bringt ein Wiederhören mit Melih Sar?göl von FezayaFirar, der da als f:rar seine Wahlheimat Berlin durchstreift. Als verschreckter 'Höhlenmensch' - Ma?ara = Höhle - , dem Covid-19 einbleut: Draußen ist feindlich. Die U- und S-Bahn ein Spinnennetz, der soziopsychische Gegenwind infektionell verschärft. Die Fahrtgeräusche ein nervös machender Beat, ein Dauerbeschuss der Sinne, Herzschlag und ein Pfeifen im Ohr, Cartridge Music und Techno-Noise im Ohr. Friedrichstraße, Friedrichshain, wer kennt sich da aus, neu in Berlin? April 2020, der grausamste Monat, voller Angst in einer Handvoll Staub, das Leben schlurchend ausgebremst. F:rar kreist um sich selbst, kocht im eigenen Saft, im Underground als Disco-Cave, umbrodelt und monoton beklopft von eisernen Schlägen, gedeutet als Ritual-Beat. Alles wird zum Loop, Beat stakst als Alien-Aggressor und leert die Straßen mit seiner Impuls-Waffe. Nur noch die Phantasie treibt Blüten, die Stadt wird zu einem Pompeij, einem Troya. Der wie durch eine Gasmaske keuchende Atem ist nur leer drehendes, leise knurschendes Vinyl, holzig betickelt. Alexander ist bloß ein einsamer Skater, sein Heereszug nicht mehr als eine ferne Pauke im Kopf. Steckt im 'Postdamm Syndrome' ein verballhorntes Potsdam? Der Beat dazu tuckert und pocht uptempo, in Fluchtgeschwindigkeit.



Melih Sarigöl is the person behind f:rar, who is from Berlin. During the first lockdown in 2020, he recorded these pieces as improvisations on a modular system using field recordings from his hometown. "It aims to re-interpret psychological and sociological situations created around lockdown as small stories and proposes a virtual tour in Berlin of that times while using the analogy of the cave to establish a connection to humans ancient fear of nature." That is not something I have derived from the music, to be honest, as I found much of this quite abstract. I guess that happens. It is not something I heard the first time I played, before reading these lines and not something I hear now that I know. The title is the Turkish word for 'cave', and maybe I can relate to that word in combination with the music. I can certainly see a form of isolation in this music, a somewhat closed sound if you will, even when f:rar occasionally uses rhythms, such as in the finale, entitled 'Postdamm Syndrome', which almost a floor-filling dance piece. In other pieces, however, there is something abstract and alien, a world alone, if you will. Sometimes with a biting harsh edge; isolation is no fun, is the lesson we learned in the last year. Whatever field recordings were used here, I have no idea. It is fed through the modular electronics, and we only hear what comes out of it, and that is not a sound I encountered before, not here, nor in Berlin. The result is what I would call a nightmarish soundtrack, fit to guide you through Dystopia, and it works well. Drone meets noise meets rhythm, and it is a fine dance they perform.

f:rar magara cover front
f:rar magara cover back
f:rar magara Inlay
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